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Poetry has been used through History to comfort and help people cope with the loss of a loved one. From the ancient Romans and Greek poets writing eulogies about their lost loved ones, to modern poets crafting verses about loss and hope, funeral poems as a way of coping with bereavement are as effective as ever.

The power of songs and the rhythm of poetic verses can evoke feelings and memories that many people suffering from a recent and dramatic loss may find difficult to express with everyday words. Whether you write poetry yourself or seek inspiration in the words of well-known poets, funeral poetry, it's hard to deny that funeral poetry can act as a catalyst to free emotions that may be kept deep inside due to shock. Grieving is a necessary stage of the healing process. If a person wants to move forward with his life, even after the shock of suddenly losing a loved one, it's important to allow themselves a chance to express their hurt and grief, and poetry can often accomplish that better than any other artistic discipline.

Whoever said that an image is worth a thousand words wasn't thinking of poetry, for clearly a few well-chosen verses can change the atmosphere at a funeral or help somebody who is suffering from bereavement to find hope and comfort. The rhythmic pattern of the verses and the carefully chosen words helps evoke clear mental images that plain speech or prose cannot compare to. Is probably because of this that funeral poems are so frequently read to give hope on children funerals, where words fall short to express the deep grief and feelings of unfairness filling both the parents and anybody close to the deceased young one.

Funeral poetry has also been used for religious services for most religions, as it has the unique power to help the attendants feel closer to their God, and keep in mind the eternal hope of the soul of the deceased being on a better place. In most cases, this kind of funeral poetry is accompanied by music and takes the form of prayers or excerpts from pieces of Holy Books, such as the Bible, but there are also some examples of modern poets writing religious funeral poetry with a deep spiritual meaning. Even non-believers can find comfort on this kind of deeply spiritual religious poetry, as it resonates with more than just the belief in a particular God. 葬儀 東松山