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Version vom 18. Februar 2012, 01:22 Uhr von EathelynDriscol2977 (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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The job interview is often your first chance to meet and make an impression on a potential new employer. Though many people have been through these in the past, they often forget some key elements that are easy to overlook. In today's job market you need to pay attention to every detail to compete for jobs.

One of the easiest things to do before an interview is do some research on the employer. Though it seems obvious, many people overlook this step and show up to an interview without any knowledge about the employer besides what was posted in the original job opening. When you interview with a company you are demonstrating what kind of employee you'll be if hired. Do you want to show that you'll be disorganized and uninformed or that you'll be prepared and competent?

The good news is this type of research is incredibly easy! Almost every potential employer probably has an online presence with lots of readily available information including company history, management, and current news releases. Just an hour or so of reading can give you enough knowledge to give you an edge in the interview process.

Though one of the main points of the interview is for the company to learn about you, being a good listener is a crucial aspect to any job interview. You want to understand and be able to answer the question accurately and succinctly. Most interviewers are not only looking for the specific answers, but also the way that you answer a question. Extra words (or rambling) or off-topic answers are often an indicator that you don't either know the answer or how to clearly answers the question.

Coming prepared to an interview can help you give clear and precise answers. The internet has many websites that offer some interview questions for you to practice with. Though you probably won't get the exact same question, preparing will help give you confidence to answer a bunch of different questions and you'll have many practice answers in your head to work from.

The last tip is to always send a follow-up thank you letter or e-mail. It's surprising how many people forget to do this little last step int he interview process! Sending a thank you note will give you one more chance to briefly reaffirm who you are and why you're a great match for the open position. It also demonstrates that you appreciated the interviewers time and effort, and what type of employee you'll be if hired. One again, take every advantage you can get.

So remember, the little things count in job interviewing today. Take just a few extra minutes to show up prepared, be a good listener, and send a follow-up thank you note and you'll help yourself get the extra edge you may need to get that job. Good luck! 求人 高知

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