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Version vom 18. Februar 2012, 00:46 Uhr von GardBucklin2296 (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Are you moving to Edinburgh? Perhaps you are looking to change job role? Either way, Edinburgh boasts a great number of job opportunities with some job types in particular abundance. As a city, Edinburgh has a population of 440,000, making it the second biggest city in Scotland. With a history that is steeped in architecture, medicine and culture, Edinburgh - to this day - still provides its citizens with job opportunities within these fields as well as many others. So what kind of jobs might you expect to apply for if you live and work in Edinburgh?

Although Edinburgh is not the largest city in Scotland, it still has a substantial education infrastructure that consists of 18 nursery, 94 primary and 23 secondary schools, all administered by the city's council as well as around 10 universities and colleges. Naturally, this provides many teaching opportunities for Edinburgh-based educators as well as posts for those who work in administration and care taking roles.

Known as the world's 'festival city', Edinburgh plays host to some of the globe's most exciting cultural gatherings - from Edinburgh's Hogmanay to the Edinburgh Film Festival and, of course, the International Festival AKA the Fringe which happens in August - the city isn't short of things to do or celebrate. This also means Edinburgh is a great place to work for anyone interested in the arts with jobs in this sector in abundance. Out with festival time, Edinburgh is also home to a number of well-established theatres and art house cinemas which produce a programme of work all year round and often have permanent, part-time or volunteer roles available.

Aside from education and the arts, Edinburgh is also renowned as a 'financial' city. Where docks and factories are common place in other towns, Edinburgh has become something of a financial hub instead with banks, insurers and other large scale organisations houses themselves amidst Edinburgh's ornate Georgian architecture. All of this means Edinburgh is an ideal spot to take up work in fields like human resources which boasts a variety of roles within some of the country's biggest organisations. Should you find yourself working for one of these aforementioned organisations, consultants often enjoy above average salaries as well as perks such as company cars.

Looking to work in Edinburgh but don't know where to start? Like many of the UK's biggest cities, Edinburgh offers job hunters a range of fields to work in with great earning potential, not to mention the chance to work in a picturesque city! 派遣 福井

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