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Selena Gomez Albums No doubt regarding it, Disney pop princess Selena Gomez is being a professional at releasing hit after hit. Moving into the pop spotlight together with the backing of the Disney music machine has turned out to be among the list of smartest career moves she'll ever make.The first of Selena selena gomez albums, "Kiss & Tell" struck gold and wowed fans. She managed to move the world to its feet, dancing and enjoying being young with finish album"1 year Without Rain."Her third studio album, "When the Sun Goes Down" has jumped on the scene being a definite show stopper. For a prospective Selena Gomez fan, you'll enjoy these reviews within their albums, so pay attention.1st Solo Album: "Kiss & Tell"Kiss & Tell is Selena?s debut album with Hollywood Records. It is certified gold and thought of a fun, pop album. You will be able to sense her unbridled energy, high spirit, and fiery passion in this album. It isn't secret that Selena adores to dance and this album is a fantastic way to showcase that love.Kiss & Tell was developed by Hollywood Records in September 29, 2009. The thrill and energy within the album is really infectious.On a negotiate of your songs, Selena worked closely with Gina Schock. As well as for those of you who don't understand, Schock is from the legendary 80's punk girl group the Go-Go's. The initial single released, "Falling Down" is definitely an aggressive pop melody that teenage girls throughout could pertain to.The music is positively fresh, fun, and playful. In their own music you get a aire of a sweet, intense sound that's unlike all other. The highest songs out of your album include: "Kiss and Tell," "Falling Down," "Naturally," "As a thoughtful Blonde" and "I received U."2nd Album: "A Year Without Rain" by Selena Gomez as well as the SceneWhat's different with "A Year Without Rain" is that it features Selena and her band the Scene. This debut studio album was released on September 17, 2010 and debuted on your US Billboard 200 at number 4, with revenue from in excess of 66,000 the first week, only one year after her debut solo album.Lead single, "Round & Round" and also follow-up "12 months Without Rain" both are top 40 singles in th usa. The album was certified gold in January 2011 from the RIAA.The lyrics are empowering and concentrate on love, freedom as well as the pure joy of just moving to the situation. The preferred songs coming from the album included title song "Annually Without Rain," "Superstar," "Spotlight," "Like Like There isn't any Tomorrow."3rd Album: "Whenever the Sun Travels down"The third of Selena Gomez albums is "When the Sun Goes Down." Previously it was released on June 28, 2011 by Hollywood Records and debuted on your Billboard 200 at #4. And when all was said and done, the album sold nearly 80,000 ahead of time of release.Manage single from the album, ? Who Says? was released on March 14, 2011 and peaked #21 across the usa. In each of Canada and New Zealand the song broke into the superior twenty.As a result of a loyal fan base from her Disney Channel days, Selena Gomez and the Scene are poised for a further gold album and also have a solid hit on their hands. Come check out our site

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